Pause and Reflect on Your Goals Every 90 Days

In my Unstoppable Life Planning guide (link) and also in my book which you can now pre-order (link), I talk about how it is SUPER important to pause and reflect on your goals every 90 days.

Why 90 days? Every 3 months just happens to be a GOOD amount of time to get a bunch of stuff done, and then stop to pause and reflect and course correct. Thats pretty much why even Corporate America lives and dies by the quarter.

Have you paused and reflected on your first 90 days of 2019 yet? If not, you should practice Unstoppable Sunday today.

On Today’s Unstoppable Episode, I pause and reflect on the past 90 days of my life.

It’s a bit of an unusual episode this week… I didn’t script it…

I didn’t try to get ONE big principle in…

I kind of just got in front of the camera to pause and reflect live on what a crazy 90 days its been…

In our Unstoppable Life Planning guide (linked below), we teach you how to use tools like Unstoppable Sundays, and 45-day challenges to drive consistency and discipline in achieving your dreams and getting to a proactive mindset in both life and business.




The Secret to Success Is to Have a Sense of Urgency

If there’s one thing I value in myself and the people in my life, it is those that have a sense of urgency. Having a sense of urgency is the single thing that can help you accomplish your goals, to stop procrastinating, to finally get moving on that side project or business you want to build. Let me explain…

So often in life, we struggle to find the motivation, the energy, and even the inspiration to do what we know we need to do in life.

Even if there is that one project we’ve been meaning to take on at work…

Or that side business we’ve been hoping to start…

It’s alway so easy to delay it.

We say things like…

Tomorrow.. I finally will.

Or next weekend, I’ll spend the WHOLE weekend on it!

And quickly that turns into… One day… or Maybe… I’ll finally do that thing.

I realized early in life that there is one key characteristic that motivates people to make changes in their life. To take action. To get off their butts, stop watching Netflix and go pursue that project that they know will be good for them.

It’s also the same characteristic that every single top performer I’ve ever worked with has exhibited.

It’s having a sense of urgency.

People who have a sense of urgency about their goals are friggin’ unstoppable and I love them. They overcome all kinds of obstacles, inertia, and they don’t need much “inspiration” or “motivation” to get going.

The question becomes, how do you get a sense of urgency. I have a very simple method for this, I simply do the math on how much time I have left on planet earth.

Now look. I’m not here to make things morbid. But the reality is we are all here on this planet living for a certain amount of time. And while we’ll never know exactly how much time we have, we also fail to do the math on how much time we probably have.

We don’t do the math becomes it makes it easier for us to pretend we have infinite time and make excuses like “tomorrow…I’ll get to it.”

I’ve found that people who have a sense of urgency have a deep understanding of just how much time they have left and what a finite resource it is.

Over the past few years, I’ve followed this simple trick to keep reminding myself how much time I have probabilistically.

If you google “average life expectancy” you’ll find that the average human in a relatively stable country lives to be 79 years old.

If you subtract how long you’ve lived from that 79, then you get how many years you probabilistically have left.

In my case, I’m 36 years old which means that I have 43 years left. Again, probabilistically. There may be other factors that significantly reduce this number, and scientific breakthroughs that significantly increases it, but basic math says that I’ve got 43 years.

Now here’s the trick. FORTY THREE YEARS feels like a long time. But here’s where the trick comes in. I don’t look at it as FORTY THREE YEARS or look at it as the roughly FIFTEEN THOUSAND days that it represents.

I look at as the distinct events I’ll experience during those 43 years. To ME, I get a sense of urgency in everything that I do because I’m constantly reminded by my math that I’ve got
43 Birthday Parties to experience
43 New Year’s Eve celebrations and Days to experience
43 Christmases
43 Summers
… and 43 4th of July Barbecues

This simple math and mental trick reminds me just how short life really is and how it is our duty to make the most of that time we’re blessed with… with a sense of urgency.

So the question becomes, are you going about life with a SENSE OF URGENCY?

What is the thing that you are putting off?

Are you living life in a proactive fashion to make the most of the time that is given to you?

In our Unstoppable Life Planning guide (linked below), we teach you how to use tools like Unstoppable Sundays, and 45-day challenges to drive consistency and discipline in achieving your dreams and getting to a proactive mindset in both life and business.




How to Deal with Stress in Business

Over the last few years of my career, I’ve come to be known as “The Fixer” of sorts.

Whether it was turning around a company that wasn’t doing well, or fixing a sales region that was falling apart, or fixing an entire department that never actually hit their numbers, I’ve constantly been airlifted into tricky situations to turn things around.

Needless to say, these were all incredibly stressful business situations.

The thing about when you’re starting a company is that you get to pick your own team, your own circumstances, and you set your own rules. You’re in control of the stress you bring into your life in more ways than one.

But when you’re part of a larger organization, or you’re being airlifted into an already running organization, it is stressful as hell to figure out who you can trust, who’s a great worker, and who can help you put out the burning fires in a troubled organization.

Whether it was running Europe, or running Australia, or fixing Alliances, or even turning ToutApp around when it wasn’t working well, I started to embrace this ONE framework to understand who I can count on to get us to the promised land.

Given a stressful situation, or a fire, or multiple fires that needed to be put out, I always get 1on1 with each of the people (including myself) into one of these three buckets:

  • There are ones that run to the fire
  • There are those that stand and complain about the fire
  • And there are those that run away from the fire

This single framework, not only gave ME clarity for myself when dealing with stressful business situations, it also gave me a framework to evaluate the people on my team.

First of all, let’s talk about what this meant for myself. SO often we’re placed in stressful situations in life and business. This framework allowed me to realize, I always have a choice. When faced with a fire or a stressful situation, I have three choices:

  • I can run to the fire and help fix it
  • I can stand and complain about it
  • Or… I can run away from the fire and remove myself from the situation

Let’s take the easy one first.  I NEVER WANT TO BE THE PERSON that stands and complains about the fire.

I don’t want to be that guy. I don’t want someone on my team that is that person. I have zero tolerance for it.

So the first decision that I commit to and I expect the whole team to commit to is to have Option B be a NON-OPTION. These are the worst kind of people and the kind of people that probably created the mess we’re in in the first place!

And then for myself, I figure out whether I’m choosing Option A or Option B.

Now, let me just say. I’ve gotten the biggest breaks in my career, the most incredible opportunities for advancement, and have won the most lucrative deals when I’ve run to the fire.

Fires / Problems / Stressful situations are often opportunities in business and life. They are opportunities for growth, they are opportunities for making something work incredibly well and reaping the rewards, and they are opportunities for advancement.

So if a fire or a problem is a bad situation but there is room for growth and advancement and it’s not a fool’s errand, I’m all for running TO the fire.

But while you’re considering Option A, it’s also important to consider Option C.

As much as I pride myself in being the person that ALWAYS runs to the fire, there has been times where I’ve walked away. And I actually have a TON OF RESPECT for people that explicitly walk away (instead of just standing around and complaining about the fire).

In my experience, there are always three great scenarios where you should just walk away:

  • The situation is toxic and there is no upside (life’s too short)
  • You’re on a fool’s errand
  • Or, Your opportunity cost is too high

Once you’ve clarified Option A, B or C for yourself, in every stressful business situation I did 1on1s with my core leadership members.

I assessed them for whether they’re the type of person that runs TO fires or will just stand and complain, and then I set up incentive plans to ensure the right people are aligned to help me fight the fire and win.

And needless to say all of this worked so well because I went into each and every meeting, each and every situation with clarity for MYSELF that signaled – NO, I’M IN IT TO FIGHT THE FIRE. AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANYTHING LESS so you better pick which side you’re on… which quickly weeded out the problem children and the weak ones.

I look at every challenge in life like a bank heist. I take a proactive approach to solving these challenges and I’ve consistently reaped incredible rewards for it. This framework has been crucial for my own clarity and my team’s clarity.

So the next time you and your team are in a stressful situation, you need to lead and decide: will we run to the fire? Will we stand and complain? Or will we gracefully leave the situation. 

In our Unstoppable Life Planning guide (linked below), we teach you how to use tools like Unstoppable Sundays, and 45-day challenges to drive consistency and discipline in achieving your dreams and getting to a proactive mindset in both life and business.




Your Five Year Self

There’s this one problem I’ve always had in my life.

I always accomplish goals.

But as I’m about to crush a goal, as I’m about to get a big win….


I’ve moved on to the next goal.

Because I’m that excited about continuing to grow in life.

This is a common thing amongst high achievers.

We constantly move the goal post as we’re about to score the goal, because we want more from ourselves.

And because we do that, we then have a tough time realizing why we haven’t had a WIN yet…

…even though we’ve had wins and we just haven’t allowed ourselves to celebrate.

This leads to all kinds of things like the Sunday jitters, it leads to burnout, it leads to us wondering where we’re even headed in our life.

These are the kind of things we tackle as part of our Unstoppable Life Planning guide.

One of the special exercises that I’ve used over the few years of my life, that we get YOU to do to overcome this is called Your Five Year self.

Here’s how it works.

Imagine you’re witnessing a coffee meeting between two people.

The first person is YOU today.

The second person is YOU from 5-years ago.

The YOU from 5-years ago, walks into the coffee shop and joins YOU from today. They don’t know each other but were introduced through a mutual friend who thought YOU today would be a great mentor for YOU from 5-years ago given your values, dreams and goals for yourself.

YOU from today starts to introduce yourself. You explain what you do. How you spend your days. What you’re excited about. And the recent wins you’ve had.

YOU from 5-years ago intently listens. There’s something that feels familiar about the person across, you can’t quite put your finger on it. But as YOU from 5-years ago listens to YOU today describe her accomplishments, his wins, her day, as YOU from 5-years ago observes his clothes….

YOU from 5-years ago starts to get excited and inspired.

Here’s the thing. No matter how hard the last 5 years has been for you, no matter the roadblocks, the obstacles, the losses, and the wins, you’re watching this channel because you’re a growth oriented person. And that means that UNDOUBTEDLY you’ve grown a ton over the 5-years.

It’s just that because we constantly move the goal post, we tend to forget just how much we’ve done in the span of the past 5 years. Only when you from 5-years ago meets a stranger that represents you today, do you really realize how far you’ve come.

Now just imagine where you can be 5-years from now if you’re proactive about it!

In our Unstoppable Life Planning guide (linked below), we teach you how to use tools like Unstoppable Sundays, and 45-day challenges to drive consistency and discipline in achieving your dreams and getting to a proactive life.




On GOOD days and BAD: This Too Shall Pass

I often get asked by people. How do you keep your energy up?
How are you so positive about life and work?
How do you keep your calm even in the worst situations?

It’s because of my most favorite mantra in the world:

The biggest lie we’re ever told in life is that we’ll reach a point where we won’t have to deal with any problems.

What we’re striving for in life is not to get to a point where we don’t have problems, it’s where we’re tackling BIGGER challenges with even BIGGER rewards and impact.

I learned at one point in life that we never stop having problems, we never stop having good times or bad, we just take on bigger challenges.

I believe the road to unstoppability is wrought with road bumps, challenges, and life lessons, our job is to get good at overcoming those problems.

In fact that ethos is baked right into our logo for Unstoppable.

And so when people ask me why I’m so positive. Why I always keep my energy up. Why I’m calm even during bad situations….

It’s because I learned early in life to EXPECT problems.

I learned early in life that the better we get at conquering road bumps we encounter, the quicker we learn to get back up when we’re down, the more positive of an attitude we employ at the face of adversity, the more unstoppable we become.

One of my most favorite mantras that I learned in life that I ALWAYS repeat in my mind.


This saying was originated by Persian Sufi poets and then every religion, philosopher and orator under the sun has utilized it all the way down to Abraham Lincoln.

It simply means, if you’re having a great day, this too shall pass. If you’re having a bad day, this too shall pass. It’s the impermanence of things. The mantra taught me that we should revel in the moment because it will not last forever, and prepare for the next moment.

It’s why NO MATTER THE SITUATION, I”VE GOT A SMILE ON MY FACE because if it’s good days well I’m reveling in it, and if its BAD DAYS I just know I’m about to go punch that problem in the face.

The business version of this saying is something I say to my team every time we’re going after a challenge:


Having a mindset that enjoys the moment for what it is, recognizes the moment for its impermanence, and having a mindset that prepares you for no matter what is next — is the mantra I follow in my life and what I believe Unstoppable is all about.

In our Unstoppable Life Planning guide (linked below), we teach you how to use tools like Unstoppable Sundays, and 45-day challenges to drive consistency and discipline in achieving your dreams and getting to a proactive life.




Dreamers vs. DO-ers, belief and discipline

Henry Ford said:
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”

We all have dreams. We all have goals. On this episode I want to talk about the two critical ingredients that helps us realize those dreams.

Ever since I was a kid, I had big dreams for myself. My best friends always make fun of me even till today because even back in elementary school, I would write little goals for myself in my homework pad. Little sayings like “Get over 95 on the French test.”

This begs the question. We’ve all got dreams and goals.

What is the THING that stops us from actually achieving and realizing the dreams we have for our lives?

Studies have shown that only 8% of people achieve their new year’s resolutions.

Nearly 75% of people stay committed to their goals beyond THIRTY DAYS.

So what’s the deal?

Why is it that we all want bigger things for ourselves and yet we struggle to fulfill them?

And more importantly, what is the thing that sets apart those that are successful — vs —- those keep failing to mobilize on their goals?

Some might say oh “they were born with it”

Some might say it’s luck.

Some might say it’s just hard work.

All of those things are part of the equation to achieving the success you want for yourself, but aren’t the critical thing.

In my experience, the two things that set apart those who succeed and mobilize on their goals and those who do not are BELIEF and DISCIPLINE

First, let’s talk about belief.

Ever since 1886, professional runners were trying to break a world record called the 4-minute mile.

Scientists not only said it was impossible to do, they actually warned that attempting to do so might harm the human body!

But in 1954, on a cold day in Oxford, an athlete named Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile record coming in at 3 minutes and 57.9 seconds. Just two months later, Roger Bannister broke the record AGAIN except this time with one more person: John Landy. Just a year later, three runners broke the four-minute barrier again in just a single race. After Roger Bannister, over the last half century, more than a 1,300 runners have conquered the four minutes for the mile barrier — one that had been considered hopelessly out of reach.

So from 1886 to 1954, no one could do it, and then all of a sudden as soon as Roger Bannister proved that it could be done — an onslaught of athletes started to crush the record.

What changed?

It’s not like Roger Bannister accelerated human evolution. It’s not that the rules of physics changed. What was the one thing that made it possible for all these athletes to all of a sudden start breaking the coveted 4-minute mile barrier?


They saw that it could be done. That it was possible. Even more so, they saw that there was a model for achieving it. Today, even high school mid-distance runners are able to do the 4-minute mile. All because Roger Bannister proved that it could be done.

You see. Hard work, Luck, Discipline, Planning — all of those things are necessary to succeeding in your goals, but none of that will work if you don’t have Belief. Belief in your goals comes from deep understanding in how it can be achieved. Belief in your goals comes from visualization in your mind that want you want IS achievable. And in turn, Belief in your goals drives massive commitment and action.

When you don’t have belief, when you don’t even believe that you can turn your dreams into reality, you don’t take action, you write it down, you set a new year’s resolution, but you never take action.

Roger Bannister created belief in his mind for himself. Others that followed quickly after him benefited from his belief and said “IF HE CAN DO IT… SO CAN I” and they modelled what he did.

There are essentially TWO ways for you to instill belief in yourself for your dreams:
The easiest way for you to establish belief for your goals is to find others that have done it and figure out how to model them.

If you can’t find others, because what you’re going after is SO unprecedented, then you have to get to a depth of understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish and make it SO real in your mind — that you can start to believe it and turn it real in your life.

Once you’ve established belief, then comes discipline. This is the second thing that is critical to those who achieve.

For the FIRST TIME Roger Bannister accomplished the 4-minute mile, think of how many times he failed. In fact, before he set his sights on the 4-minute mile goal, he failed at even winning in the Olympics!

In our Unstoppable Life Planning guide (linked below), we teach you how to use tools like Unstoppable Sundays, and 45-day challenges to drive consistency and discipline in achieving your dreams and getting to a proactive life.




How to Recover from BURNOUT in 3 Simple Steps!

Links to the other episodes I mentioned on this episode:

  1. How to avoid burnout
  2. How to do a 45-day Unstoppable Beast Mode Challenge to double down
  3. How to deal with crisis and adversity

Harvard Business Review defines “burnout” as when relentless work stress pushes you into a debilitating state. On the last episode, we talked about how to AVOID the state of burnout.

On our last episode, we talked about how to live a more proactive life and what you can do to avoid burning out in life.

This ended up being one of our most SUCCESSFUL and SHARED episodes — and I got a flood of questions with people asking… TOO LATE. I’m burnt out. Forget avoiding it, I’m in it. What do I do now?

The problem with burnout, or feeling sad, or feeling depressed, or even feeling melancholy is that it is hard to figure out the root cause of things.

Is it that your job sucks and you are ready to move on?

Is it that people are being unfair to you and you’re the victim?

Or is it something within you that needs to change and these feelings are a way of your body signaling to you that something is wrong…

In my life, there has been several times I’ve found myself burnt out, or sad, or depressed about my current situation. In those situations, I recognized that I need to pause and reflect and take massive corrective action to get out of it. Whether it was my choice to leave my marriage, or leave my finance job, or change careers, in all of those cases, they started with cases of feelings of burnt out, or sadness or depression.

Those are ways for our bodies, our mind, and our environment to communicate to us that something is WRONG. On this episode, I talk about about the THREE things you can do if you find yourself in a bad situation like burnout.

Part of living a proactive life is being able to pause and reflect when this is happening and then take massive corrective action. Through all of the crazy situations in my life, when you find yourself in a sad, depressed or burnt out situation, you’ve got THREE options.




Let me explain.

For all the different permutations of situations that exist, your job is to pause and reflect on where you are (this is where practicing Unstoppable Sundays) comes in really handy and figure out which of these three buckets you fall into.

The first bucket, is that you’re in a situation that is bad because of a number of external factors that you cannot change or control. And whether it is today, or tomorrow, or a plan to execute over the next 6 months, you need to leave.

The second bucket is a situation where the situation is fine, but you yourself are having trouble coping. In this scenario, this is a YOU thing and you need to take steps to get back on track.

And for the last bucket, this is where it’s a combination of two. External factors are bad, internal factors are bad, everyone is overwhelmed. In this scenario, you are in a CRISIS of ADVERSITY. This is your classic “shitshow” of a life situation (I’ve had plenty of these).

The question becomes, what do you do once you’ve identified where you are…

If you are in a situation where you need to leave a bad environment, whether it is today, or over the next 365-days, you need to formulate a plan to slowly exit out of it. This is where getting proactive about your next 365-days like we teach you in our guide can help.

If you’re in a situation where it’s a YOU thing, even if you are tired, and you cannot take a break right now, and you’re in the middle of a massive project deliverable, what you need to do is kick off a 45-day challenge where you push hard on the ONE most important thing and then give yourself a break after those 45-days to recover from the burnout.

And if you’re in this unfortunate 3rd bucket, where you are truly facing a crisis of adversity, well… you’ve got some work cut out for you. We did a VERY LONG episode a few months ago on how to deal with crisis and adversity that I’ll link to below so you can check it out.

So.. In conclusion, If you’re feeling sad, depressed or burnt out, the first thing to do is assess your situation and create a proactive plan on how you’re going to get out of it.

The next thing to do is get proactive about your life so it never happens again.




How to Avoid Burnout by Treating Yourself like an Athlete

I have a simple mantra for how I treat my work life:
Train like an athlete.
Win like an athlete.
Recover like an athlete.

When I was running my own company, there were years I prided myself in working 100 hour work weeks. I prided myself in working on weekends, late at night, running on very little sleep, and I prided myself on being the “always ON” CEO.

Ironically, those were not the years where I did my best work. Those were not the years where we hit our biggest company milestones. In fact those were the years I just burned myself out.

The years where we crushed our goals were the ones where I was proactive about my work and I was proactive about avoiding burnout and recovering.

We’ve all been guilty of it.

We gloat to our co-workers and friends on how BUSY and SLAMMED we are at work.

Somewhere along the line, boasting about working 100 hour weeks became a rite of passage instead of talking about what we actually accomplished at work.

I think as a culture we forget that it is not about the hours we work, but it is about managing our peak performance and winning the games that we play.

No one cares if a football game lasted an hour, two hours, went into overtime or what.

What people do care about is if you won the game.

So in my quest to winning, and to becoming the best version of myself, one of the things that I grappled with the most was burnout.

Harvard Business Review defines “burnout” as when relentless work stress pushes you into a debilitating state.

They go on to explain that when you are burned out at work, you start feeling three things: 1) exhaustion 2) cynicism and 3) incompetence.


The worst part of all this is that when you are burned out, you’re so in the thick of it, you don’t even realize you’re burned out and you’re too busy reacting to all the things in front of you to even think about taking some time off.

The ONLY way you can avoid burnout is if you proactively manage for it.

A few years ago, I started to get proactive about how I managed myself and my performance.

I started to treat myself as an athlete.

I developed this mantra of:
Train like an athlete
Win like an athlete
And… RECOVER like an athlete

The basics that I incorporated into my life were simple. I made sure I worked out 3x a week. I also made sure I meditated every day. I’ve been practicing Transcendental Meditation for nearly 10 years and it has been life changing for me. I also took time to pause and reflect on Sundays.

But the ONE non-obvious thing that I started to do that made the biggest difference was that I started to get proactive about my year.

I used the Unstoppable 365-day spreadsheet to make sure I laid out exactly where I’m going to be over the course of the year, and especially over the next 6 to 8 weeks.

And MOST importantly, I started to make sure that I treat myself as an athlete and schedule in time to RECOVER as an athlete too. Every six weeks, I marked a weekend to make sure I took time away from work to rest and recharge — whether it was in my own home town, or going away somewhere, or planning a real trip.

By getting proactive and baking in RECOVERY time every six weeks into my calendar, I made sure that even if I entered points of burnout, I had it baked into my plan to take time off and recover from how hard I was training and how hard I was playing the game.

If you’re looking to take a more proactive approach to your life using strategies like this — be sure to SIGN UP for our Unstoppable Life Planning Guide by following the link below!

We’ll share the templates that I use for reflecting on Sundays, planning your year, and also creating a vision for yourself for the next 5 years.




How to Overcome the Sunday Night Blues with This 15 Minute Practice

We’ve all been there. Its Sunday, we’ve had a wonderful weekend with family and friends, and them BAM. All of a sudden, you realize tomorrow is Monday — and you get that pit in your stomach.

Whether you call it the sunday scaries, the sunday jitters, the sunday blues, or your weekly existential crisis of “WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?!”

… on this episode I’ll teach you how a simple 15 to 30 minute practice can completely turn that around for you.

About 10 years ago, I made the decision to start leading a more proactive life. Living a more proactive life TO ME meant I would stop accepting my current reality and demand more from myself and those around me. It meant that I would take control of how I spent the next 7 days, the next 365 days and slowly change my reality to fit a vision of myself over the next 5 years.

All of those things aren’t easy to do. In fact, it is said that only 2% of the population is motivated enough to do any of those things. Even for me, while I wanted massive change in my life, the sunday blues, the sunday jitters, the reality and restrictions of my current life were enough to make me feel paralyzed. To make me just want to escape to watching Netflix.

That’s until I started to do this one simple thing every Sunday. Once I started doing this one simple thing every Sunday. It opened up nearly a decade of productivity for me. It allowed me to get control of my life one week at a time and slowly steer it toward the type of life I always wanted and knew I deserved.

I started sitting down every Sunday for 15 to 30 minutes and started to answer two simple questions:

  1. Where am I?

  2. What do I do next?

Just the process of sitting down and thinking about these two questions forced me to PROCESS what was going through my head instead of just feeling it in the form of angst.

Just by sitting down and dedicating some time to pause and reflect, it allowed me to really dig into what’s going on in my life.

And most importantly just by sitting down and thinking about the week ahead and how I want to go attack it — helped me calm down and start to get more proactive about prioritizing the right things in my week.

Our mission this year is to get a 1,000 people practicing Unstoppable Sunday every Sunday. To take 15 to 30 minutes to answer these two simple questions — that they can beat the Sunday blues, the Sunday jitters, the Sunday scaries.

If you want to join in and be one of the thousand, we’ve made it SUPER easy to get started. We’ve created a Life Planning Book for you that includes this Unstoppable Sunday template.

It’s just a simple Google Doc (and you can download a Microsoft Word version as well).

Every single week, I go into my Sunday document, and you’ll see here  that I’ve been using this particular document for YEARS. And I’ll just work through the two simple questions.

If you follow the link below and download our guide, here’s the template you get. And this is exactly how I go through Unstoppable Sunday every Sunday, and you can too… For every Sunday, I just create a new section, and I answer each of the two questions.

In the template document, you’ll see that we give you some prompts to consider….

This simple practice has been the perfect medicine for me to feel better about the week ahead, and then take steps to get more proactive about my life. It has unlocked nearly a decade of success and productivity for me and I want that for YOU too…




Feeling Stuck in Life? Do an Unstoppable Beast Mode Challenge.

[Here’s a link to the spreadsheet template for doing a 45-day beast mode challenge]

Both in my life and in my company, there were moments, where we felt stuck. I was ashamed of the goals that I said we’d accomplish, and the lack of progress I had made on them.

On this episode, I talk about this ONE thing I use when I feel like I –or– my team is stuck in a rut. It’s called the 45-day Unstoppable Beast Mode Challenge.

For every year for the past 10 years of my life, whether it was in my personal life, or in my company, there were has been TWO universal truths:

  1. We had wild goals to go after
  2. At some point or another, we found ourselves in a RUT and STUCK

The problem is when you’re at it for a while, or when you’ve got competing priorities…

No matter how motivated you are, and no matter how EXCITING the goal is, and no matter HOW PUMPED YOU ARE about celebrating with your team when you crush that goal…

Sometimes… we just get stuck.

We get tired of the grind.

We get overwhelmed with the shear amount of priorities and just don’t know how to move forward

We end up at the spot that I FEAR THE MOST MORE THAN ANYTHING IN MY LIFE….

Neither HERE.. nor THERE…

Whenever I started to feel stuck.

Whenever I felt my team was hitting a rut.

Whenever I felt like we weren’t running in peak performance….

I started using this one TOOL to get everyone mobilized.

I declared a 45-day challenge.

Here’s the thing.

For most of our lives, we are operating with multiple priorities, and with no clear deadline. This is what I call living a reactive life. This gets you years where you didn’t accomplish a single thing, and got a little done on a few things. NEITHER HERE…. NOR THERE…..

When we start to live a more proactive life, we start to pick specific priorities, but they usually have longer term deadlines. This works most of the time when you’ve got the right set of priorities, and you’ve got enough time to go achieve them.

But sometimes… sometimes… you need what I call a SPRINT. You need a short period of time, where you stop running the marathon, and you rally the team around one short-term 45-day goal and go into what I call BEAST MODE.

This is when you take a LONG HARD look at the next 45-days, and say…. OK. What are all the things I’d be working on if the status quo would remain the same?

What is the ONE big thing if I did… would dramatically change the trajectory for me and my people this year?

What if I dedicated the next 45-days to go into BEAST MODE and focus on this one singular goal?

Would that get me out of my rut?

Would that unlock possibilities and momentum for everything else I’m trying to do?

Would that move my agenda forward for this year?

Every time I do a 45-day challenge, it friggin’ energizes me and brings on focused momentum around the one big goal that matters the most…

It helps me put other things in pause because I make the conscious tradeoff between what’s important vs not.

It helps me stop being overwhelmed.

And most importantly, it gives me and everyone else working with me a reason to get PUMPED about what we’re going to accomplish in 45-days.

If you’re interested in trying a 45-day challenge. If you’re interested in getting more proactive about your life. Download our FREE Unstoppable Life Planning Guide (below). We’ll walk you through the steps necessary to make the changes you want in your life.